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Queen Bee Management & Marking Supplies

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Effective queen bee management is crucial to ensure the success and longevity of your hive. Buzzbee stocks a comprehensive range of queen bee management and marking supplies, helping you to keep track of queen bees so you can maintain strong and productive colonies.

We understand the needs of beekeepers and offer a wide array of supplies tailored specifically for queen bee management. Our queen bee marking and management supplies include queen bee cages, clip catchers, marking pens and more to help you manage and mark your queen bees with ease.

Our Range

  • Queen cages – Our queen cages are designed to safely contain and protect your queen bees during transportation, routine inspections or introduction to new colonies. Our cages are crafted from durable materials to provide the best protection for your valuable queens.
  • Marking pens – We offer queen bee marking pens in various colours, allowing for easy identification and tracking so you can monitor age, breeding patterns and overall performance. Our marking pens are non-toxic and specially formulated for use with bees.
  • Queen bee clips – We stock plastic and metal queen bee clips that allow for queen bees to be safely captured and examined without direct handling.

All of our products are designed with precision and ease of use in mind, ensuring that even novice beekeepers can engage in successful queen rearing. Whether you’re a hobbyist beekeeper or a commercial apiarist, our queen bee management and marking supplies are an ideal choice.

Shop Online Today

Shop our comprehensive selection today to find the queen bee marking and management supplies you need. As your trusted partner in all things beekeeping, you can also contact us for friendly advice and assistance.

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