I would urge anyone to take advantage of the Delivery, Installation and Mentoring Service which BUZZbee offers. Our experience with this service was supremely rewarding, and I honestly wonder how we would have coped or learnt as much regarding start-up without it. You really don’t fully realise the value the option of the service until you have experienced it. The information received was thorough, intensive and supportive. From the best position to house the hive right through to monitoring health of the bees, we were left with a core of expert tutoring. Graham was incredibly patient and spent generous time answering every question, no matter how obvious or complex in nature. There was very much an ‘I do, we do, you do’ process to the service and Graham ensured that when he left, we had the necessary knowledge and skill to go about caring for our hive with confidence. Our family was left feeling keen, excited, knowledgeable and supported for this wonderful pursuit of bee keeping.