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Summer Season Beekeeping

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Here are some tips for beekeeping in the summer:

Provide shade

  • Place the hive in the shade or cover it with a sheet, timber, or car window protector. You can also paint the hive a light colour to reflect heat. 

Provide water

  • Bees need water to cool the hive. Install a water source within 200 meters of the hive entrance and big enough to store at least a litre of water. Bees prefer water with some dirt in it or alternatively add in Mineral Bee solution. You can also spray water on the hive walls or ground to cool the hive. 

Ventilate the hive

  • Install ventilation in the hive, especially if you live in a hot region. You can also lift the hive lid or skew the hive box sideways to allow more air in however be aware of potential robbing from other bees so don't make the gaps to wide.

Minimise hive checks

  • Avoid opening the hive during the hottest part of the day. 

Harvest surplus honey

  • You can harvest honey throughout the season to give the bees more room to grow. 

Look for bearding or swarming

  • If you see bees gathered in large numbers on the front of the hive, they may be bearding. Bearding is when bees fan their wings to cool the hive. You can check for peanut-shaped queen cells to see if they are preparing to swarm. 

Supplement with sugar syrup

  • If there is a shortage of nectar-producing flowers or extreme summer temperatures, you may need to supplement with thinner sugar syrup. 

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